Hello, everyone! Today is my 984th day, which means in 16 days, I will be 1,000 days old on EMC. To celebrate, I'll be hosting a small giveaway. Choose a number between 1 and 50, and on my 1,000th day, I'll select 3 people using random.org, and the 3 people that win will get prizes. Prizes: 1st place: 20,000 rupees 2nd place: 2 stacks of gold ingots 3rd place: 64 villager eggs Numbers: 1 - Gadget_AD 2 - neonz59 3 - rock00888 4 - fishmeal 5 6 - havioxs 7 - Scarecboi 8 - Miner_Peace 9 10 - colepuncher 11 - hashhog3000 12 - BanditLM 13 - tuqueque 14 - iamfuturetrunks 15 - 607 16 - Sir_Reginald_ 17 - mman2832 18 - High_Jacker 19 - Uber_Corq 20 - SheIsNice 21 - Supah_Danny 22 - BabyCreepersRule 23 - NoahMarcusWhite 24 - huckleberry24 25 - EallSteel (Sorry if I spelled that wrong) 26 - TheEpic5 27 - deathconn 28 - Ultimamaxx 29 - karatekick2001 30 - MHeller2017 31 - Ultimate_GG 32 - andrewmatic 33 - niallersgirl1703 (Sorry if I spelled that wrong) 34 - JefferyLi2003 35 36 - pascal1881 37 - Dj__Krazy 38 - Bailib 39 40 - MeadMaker 41 - Seanawesome14 (May have spelled that wrong) 42 - 930o4 43 - Qwerty189 44 45 46 - cube45 47 - Hasorko 48 49 - TechFilmer 50 Also, I don't like it when people just say a number and nothing else. It doesn't effect your chances of winning in any way, but to me, it's pretty rude. That's all I have to say right now, but I'll add more if I think of it.
I can remember my favorite moment happening, but I honestly don't remember what it was. Maxarian Shoes. I don't know. My older brother played on it for a while before I did.
He just said "Favorite thing". I'd rather have a specific category, such as unique items, like what Supah_Danny said, instead of thing.
Could I please have number 22? Congratulations on 1000 days Whats your favorite horse colour/pattern?
I choose #40. Free stuff is awesome. I wish you many more happy days of EMC fun. One of the winning numbers will be either 2, 16, or 33.
11, please. Congrats on your upcoming 1,000 days! What is your favorite feature (block, item, change, etc.) that 1.8 adds to Minecraft?
All of these numbers will be added in around 8 hours after I get back from school. White White field. Yes. Slime blocks.