Sorry I've been behind on this. 32. Did you get that thing I sent you? 33. Featuring the Malfunctioning Gamer Feeding Robot Arm and Astronut 34. Guest Starring a few of our buddies and done in the style of TWD. 35. Dave gets a pet. 36. Awkward... 37. Oh Snap, it's the Piddler! 38. Leaked Footage! 39. Guest Starring Soviet Bear
kantackistan has done 40 of these. Holy cow. 40. Epic Rap Battles Ft. DJ Craig and Fre$H Dstylings
Ok everyone breaking news starting from episode 37 you might have noticed the blue letter in each episode except 38. So far if you put them together they spell seezr until the latest episode, 42 (which is here)
How are you gonna just skip over strips? 41: Doctor Dave 42: Uh Oh