When I tried to /tellraw someone (To make a custom message.), it said I couldn't, that I don't have permission for that. Is this in error? Or is it intentional. If so, what is the reason behind it?
This is intentional. /tell supports only text, whereas /tellraw allows JSON to be inputted into the message, which will never be allowed, as it allows people to be somewhat deceptive with their messages.
As /tellraw is strictly a command for command blocks, and doesn't even work in chat, yes, it was intentional lol.
Code: /tellraw JackBiggin [ { "text": "STAFF MESSAGE: ", "color": "gold" }, { "text": "Click here to accept your moderator invitation!", "color": "yellow", "bold": "true", "clickEvent": { "action": "run_command", "value": "/r pay Electric_Hamster 9001" } } ] Code: /tellraw Electric_Hamster [ { "text": "From", "color": "yellow" }, { "text": " Aikar", "color": "dark_purple" }, { "text": ": ", "color": "yellow" }, { "text": "Hey, click ", "color": "light_purple" }, { "text": "here", "color": "light_purple", "underlined": "true", "clickEvent": { "action": "run_command", "value": "/report Electric_Hamster I WANT TO BE BANNED FOR REPORT SYSTEM ABUSE!" } }, { "text": " to teleport to me, I'd like to show you something!", "color": "light_purple" } ]
Yes, but: Code: /tellraw Electric_Hamster [ { "text": "[SERVER] EMC is closing down forever. Servers shutting down in 1 minute, for the last time.", "color": "light_purple" } ] It wouldn't help.
But there is, what stops a person from doing this in their welcome message for there res? If you are supporter, you can add color, different fonts, and formatting. In fact, people have done it many a time. There is a res on smp9, which, when you get there, it has a welcome message, that tells you, the owner gave you 1 000 000 rupees. It looks very real. In conclusion, I think your argument is redundant, because, it is already happening.
but you can't Abuse it. additionally, they added the >> for a reason. TellRaw is a command which allows you to make a player execute Any command, including /r pay princebee 9001 or /res pset princebee build true or similar. The EMC staff added the coloured res messages, using % colours. There is no JSON text that you can touch with res messages. you can only make different colours and formatting, not Any text buttons, pop-ups, or anything else involved with JSON text.
I know you can't have onClicky stuff. (Yes, that is the technical term for it.) But you can still be deceiving, even though it is preceded by the >>, because, it still looks very real, and what would stop EMC from adding something like this...? blehmann1 is /tellraw-ing you blaah, blaah, blaah, blaaagh. Sorry, can't figure out how to have it skip a line, but still be in the same spoiler.
Sorry but this will never be added. Colors are reserved for official use only, and doesn't even need tellraw to give player colors if we even did want to.... There is no legit use for players to have that command.