Looking for Suppliers (smp6)

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by bitemenow15, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. wtb as many villager spawn eggs as i can find
  2. How many suppliers are you trying to have? I. Have a supply company
  3. many, i want my rupees to regularly hit 0r till i open :)
  4. You just answered my question before I even got a chance to ask it.. xD ..also, I used to work for x1x_x1x when he was still active.. That is how I became rich as a merchant. I was usually able to make about 10-20k about every other day or so working for him. Tell me what you need, and I can get it.. Although, I need most of the gold and diamonds I find. The gold is very important in my horse farm and the diamonds help me maintain my tools.
  5. mostly redstone things, i have the dust but am far too lazy to go around crafting dc's of comparators or whatever. also non horse eggs and enchanted books (that idk what to buy for lol)
  6. Ok I'm down to supply
  7. perms granted
  8. Hey I can supply enchanted books (eff 4 or 5) and infinity I silk touch I and looting III
  9. lmk some prices on those and ill just buy em direct lol
  10. i been selling you some stuff, but could u maybe also add chests to sell them by the stack?
  11. yeah sure i just need to know the things you wanna sell me by stack :)