Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Spiffy haircut yo.
  2. Captainsparklz has return!!!
  3. boogers.jpg
    After a Baseball Alumni game.
  4. this has got to be the greatest photo i have ever gotten of Notch, he looks so handsome xD
  5. blah blah blah "you're not a brick" etc etc.
    CaziCookie, Defluxer, wisepsn and 5 others like this.
  6. Now I look like someone out of X-men.
    "G" thanks. ;)
    CaziCookie, Cchiarell6914 and wisepsn like this.
  7. So who won? :D
  8. O We lost 3-4 but They should have beating us badly. We decided next year we need to put a keg on second base to motivate us to hit the ball and least make it to 2nd. :p
  9. Hey Friends let me blind you! I might post a more-updated one soon, I is sick. ._.

    CaziCookie, Olaf_C, melk73 and 6 others like this.
  10. I know how I feel but do not worry, once you are done with puberty you will probably look like this:

    EDIT: Darn, nick5013 already made a joke.

    Maybe like this then:
  11. You look exactly like your MC skin.. although I would picture you being a brick :p
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  12. xD :p
    CaziCookie and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  13. So I have yet to do a post for the year of 2014... so here you go!
    This will most likely be the most out of focus picture I am ever likely to give any of you, so enjoy!
  14. The Olympics :3
  15. You kind of look like Christopher Eccleston.
  16. Gimmi your eyes now ; - ;
    CaziCookie likes this.
  17. I have brown eyes too, when people try telling me I'm full of poop (Due to brown eyes, hurhur) I tell them to stare into my chocolatey abyss
    battmeghs likes this.
  18. Ill keep em for now ;)
    PlayTehMinecraft likes this.
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