Do you like money? Then a job is what you want! And that's what I have to offer! Me and 7/8 others are mining our lots down to bedrock and can't do it alone so come help and get $$money$$! I provide STONE shovels ~Payment Details: 4x8 to bedrock - $256 8x8 to bedrock - $512 (that's about 1R per 8 dirt!) ~Prizes! - cancelled =( To many noobs dug around in my lot trying to find the blocks so I decided to cancel the prizes. But if you find a block other than dirt and show me I'll give you 50 extra R. (i have coordinates so don't try to trick me) P.S.-check THIS out plz ^_^ Also Rules: Don't mine sphere frame Don't mine anything you know you shouldn't
What he means is that he is hiring. Also, I will willingly do the job. I suppose that you get to keep the dirt?
ok. new rule. if there is a symbol on the top of the sector than dig! if not than don't dig. not that hard =P _________| ..| .................| ..| .................| ~le poorly drawn symbol ..|_____.. _|_ ..|
this weekend (Friday-Sunday) My lot HAS to be dug out. Camdenmil, Bluebl1, SWATAHOLIC, Pilotcat and I will also be digging so if you want money these are the last few days you have to make it. We also will start our project so I'll post when to come to see epicnesss. Also (on an unrelated topic) check THISout!