So it's my 600th day and stuff...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by journeynaut, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. I'll pick 14
  2. So one final bump. I will choose the winner later.
  3. I'll take 5 please :). Happy 600th! Why is the purpleness of green goldfish so pink?
  4. Aliens.
    TheMiniKins likes this.
  5. I'll take 29 :p
    If you have four apples and I have three pencils, how many pancakes can we fit on the roof?
    southpark347 likes this.
  6. LOL Loving that quote
  7. A pair of shoes, because fairies are actually evil.
    Palmsugar likes this.
  8. image.jpg
  9. I know the joke. I was just making an obscure Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell reference.
    Ark_Warrior1 and jacob5089 like this.
  10. And says that Jcplugs is the winner. I will pay you later.
    dresden72 likes this.