Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gibabyte, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. My favorite movie is The Avengers, but, it's not that great of a movie to everyone else. I like it because superheros yo but....
  2. That's the first thing that I saw in that post tbh.

  3. Then again I did enjoy the film ;p
    CoDe4RiDeR and ElectricKiwi like this.
  4. wasn't that pretty much the same thing as Olympus has Fallen but with more comedy?
  5. Stop dissing everyone's spellings. You couldn't even spell it right...

    It's spelled 'Taken', not 'Skyfall'.
    CoDe4RiDeR likes this.
  6. kind of, a bit less suspension of disbelief in white house down tho
  7. Nonononono, it's spelled 'The Dark Knight'. Do you have an auto-correct, or spell-checker?
  8. You're one to talk.

    You forgot the 'Rises' part.
  9. They're both good. 'Nuff Said.
  10. I think WWZ was the best movie of all time
    CoDe4RiDeR and ApeEmperor like this.
  11. Sharknado :D. Enough said.
    CoDe4RiDeR and ISMOOCH like this.
  12. Oh gawd that movie is awesome ! :eek:
  13. Pulp Fiction eh? Wonder what kind of movies Dwight's been watching?
  14. Haha didn't notice I goofed... Edit change :p
    ob1bob69 likes this.
  15. I remember seeing this on ifunny. :)
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  16. You use iFunny :D.
  17. For that part of the movie they filmed it on the worlds longest runway.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  18. I love funny
  19. you love funny?