Kross's Lab of Evil and Assorted Potions

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by KrossFFA, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Hey guys, Kross here and this is my first thread in a long time. So here we go.

    The Project:
    My project, "Kross's Lab of Evil and Assorted Potions will be a potion shop for every potion in Minecraft. (Including the new 1.7 potions.) It's going to be an underground lab and I already have a design laid out on a creative world.

    Some of the materials I'm using are a pain to get but it will be worth it. The materials I need are listed:
    Red Stained Clay
    Blue Stained Clay
    Nether Quartz Stairs
    Nether Quartz Slabs
    Glowstone Lamps
    Redstone Torches
    Water Buckets
    Potion Stands
    Water Bottles
    Other Potion Brewing Materials (Nether Wart, Sugar, Redstone, Etc.)

    I will be keeping a list of who makes item donations, joins the program or donates rupees. Item donators will be given money based on how much they donate. Rupee donators will be given the money they gave me back once the rupees become available. Finally people that join the program will be compensated with a surprise gift every month. It could be rupees, a certificate for five free potions or anything that I can think of.

    How to join the program:
    Please Copy and Paste the application below and fill out the answers.

    In Game Name:
    Email (Optional):
    What do you like to do (Redstone, Building, Potion Creation, etc.)
    What Can you do to help the project:

    Design Screenshots:
    2013-10-16_19.21.04.png 2013-10-16_19.21.16.png
  2. In Game Name: flamingpotato42
    Email (Optional): im good :p
    What do you like to do (Redstone, Building, Potion Creation, etc.): building and potion creation
    What Can you do to help the project: Stock potions, build, auto brewers
  3. Congrats! You're accepted. You can start by spreading the word.
  4. In Game Name:gollark8
    Email (Optional)
    What do you like to do (Redstone, Building, Potion Creation, etc.)Redstone and potion creation
    What Can you do to help the project:keep chunks loaded and make redstone potion machines
  5. How would keeping chunks loaded help the project. Just a question.
  6. Potions won't brew if the chunk isn't active.
    He stays in the chunk, potions keep brewing :)
  7. In Game Name: Hmmm... Judging from the strange word under my picture I am guessing its SkyDragonv8
    Email (Optional):
    What do you like to do (Redstone, Building, Potion Creation, etc.): ( Not much creativity ) Building
    What Can you do to help the project: I can donate blaze rods and many materials
  8. In Game Name: sideshowallie
    Email (Optional):
    What do you like to do (Redstone, Building, Potion Creation, etc.): Redstone, Building.
    What Can you do to help the project: Well I have my aforementioned likes and I can give some funding for the project as well.