Hi from Sarah!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by cptdaveyy, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Hi and welcome, it is a bit of pain to connect but its worth it, the community here is the best! :D
  2. Welcome to the Empire Sarah! Good to meet you. Once you manage to get into the server, you will know that you have a great Minecraft SMP Home. :)
  3. Hello Sarah, glad you could join. If you need any help with anything just send me a pm and I'll do what I can.
  4. Thanks a lot guys! Great community indeed :).
    Twitch1 and autonamus like this.
  5. You are very welcome. Enjoy yourself. This place is one-of-a-kind. ;)
  6. Welcome Sarah, I'm Chris :) I'm sure your going to love it in the Empire when you get online, get your plot and see the amazing economic, trade and build system we have here!
  7. Welcome to the server :p the best time to get on the server which would be around 5am ~ 3pm EST during the week because everyone in the states r at skool or work
  8. Thanks a lot Chris & the other 2 guys :). Just managed to get on now and do some mining, i do love it, I can't wait till I can build. Easily one of the best servers I have been on, if not the best.