Smp2 - Le Edeen Dur

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by DemonThunder345, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. I'm there already :/ where are you guys?
  2. Ill be on soon. I have to do something else right now :p
    If there is anyone else there ask them for help and they will.
  3. Hey demon can i join
  4. pls fill out the application farm
  5. I know him pretty well so no need :)
  6. ok
  7. I told luke about the island :)
  8. ah
  9. If any of you could, Show CoolCal around the island while I cant get online. Thanks!
  10. The armory is almost done! it will be finished tonight or tomorrow! :)
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  11. If you come into my yard or my house, please close the gates. My house is the tall birch and brick house.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  12. Application -
    You Are Good At: Building, PvP and really good Archer !!
    Have you ever been Banned/Kicked From Emc: Yes
    If So ^, Why: Xray 15 days i think
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  13. If you dont use Xray again. Welcome to LED!
  14. DemonThunder345 likes this.

  15. Application -
    You Are Good At: Building.
    Have you ever been Banned/Kicked From Emc: YES
    If So ^, Why: KICKED 2 TIMES SPAM
  16. IGN: hashhog3000
    You Are Good At: Farming, building, smacking the crap out of skeletons who try to shoot me.
    Have you ever been Banned/Kicked From Emc: Yes
    If So ^, Why: Don't shout "BOOOOOOOOOOM! Oh, sorry, that was just the sound of the beacon market crashing." Guess what, you get banned for caps! :p I am always careful about things like that now, though.
  17. EDIT: Sorry, I was kicked for caps, not banned. :p
  18. Haha Welcome to LED
    Ok hes in! I know why you did it for Jet. :) Welcome all 3 of you who joined today!
  19. Meeting today at 11:30 Am Est

    All members are Required to come.
  20. Dude. I have school tomorrow.
    I can't be on at 11:30