Our Tinkerbell Is Better Than OK Now! The Cancer Is Gone! :)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by R0bbieJo, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. I just wanted to let you all know that we finally have the word we have been waiting for!
    As of this week....
    Tink is in FULL REMISSION!
    She fought.... and She Won!
    Cause Girls Are Like That! :) 1116100_10201421795929012_1397736367_o.jpg
  2. Yay! Congrats tink!
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  3. Grats tink!

    On a side note...
    Hematology Oncology Center.... where do they come up with these words?....
    jkjkjk182, cddm95ace and R0bbieJo like this.
  4. :D That's great news!
    R0bbieJo likes this.
    ☆ Congrats Tink!!!
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  6. :D My mom finished chemo, next radiation. Tink, congrats! You beat my mom :p
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  7. You'd think with such good news like this, the doctor would have taken 4 extra seconds to make that legible. :p
  8. From the available information womp womp cutoff remission :p
  9. Congrats Tink!

    At least we know it's legit. Everyone knows that doctors take 'Illegible Writing' in med school. :p
  10. Huzzah! Break out the cake and balloons! \o/

    <_< mine is even worse. Why did I not go to med school? I'd have fit right in!
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  11. Hallelujah!
    Tink, we are so PROUD AND HAPPY for ya! You are a suvivor! :D
    God Bless! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    R0bbieJo and IcecreamCow like this.
  12. Pretty sure if they can read your application in any way shape or form, they don't even let you in.
  13. grats wish i had news like that, Fight the good Fight tink
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  14. THAT is EXACTLY what Nick and I said.... LOL
  15. Awesome! :D
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  16. Awesome! Congrats Tinkerbell!
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  17. PenguinDJ likes this.
  18. Congrats Tink! :) I am so happy for her! :D
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  19. Thanks guys! This community is great and has helped stay strong and fight!