Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Tazri, May 5, 2013.
Can you make one of me?
Shhhh, be quiet zoe.
Shh be quiet Cordial
Shhh be quit nole wait..... what are we doing now?
Make one of me :3
I'll do yours in a moment!
What do you use to make these?
Photoshop, my graphic tablet and a bit of skill.
Are you Zoe? Haven't noticed
DUDE, http://empireminecraft.com/threads/its-me.22420/ Dont bump it.
Oh. Sorry I'm so stupid *sigh*
Thanks, I'd draw an oidgod if I knew what it is
Make one of ICC eating me xD
How much are drawing thingy's ? EDIT: Graphic tablets
Shh, be quiet Same Person.
Chicken ear
I'll do yours next!
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