You are peacefully watching CNN when the top headline says that a zombie outbreak might occur. What do you do???
Yo, I run to the nearest pawn shop, grab guns and ammunition. Team up with friends, ket a nice car, then blow some brains up.
Then I'd stick with my friend's family that are hunters and has guns. Then get a "secret" stash of knives I have at my school.
If I could have any gun in a zombie apocalypse, I'll choose the KSG 12 shotgun w/ Reflex Sight and a Grip.
We don't have surgery classes, except in some bio classes that occasionally do that, but they don't have good knives. You could throw knives at them, but you'll need good aim.
And my friend told me that you have to hold a knife by the BLADE in order to even kill the zombie by throwing a knife at him. And you need darn good aim.