A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Uh..no need to say that, next time say something like, ' I know that guy! ' I don't want to be..stalked.
  2. Why does it make a difference?
  3. Random guy : oh hey, I know him (mviglione), if I ask him, he'll tell me where that other guy(xenonrai) lives!

    If I worry all the time, I feel safer, so..

    Edit: I seriously doubt someone that knows where you live would ask where I live.
  4. I wouldn't do that... Never...
  5. Yes...something's *totally* wrong with me..*cough*nosarcasm*cough*
  6. I am becoming increasingly worried about the mental state of Xenorai. XD
    Xenonrai likes this.
  7. You should, I'm not joking.
  8. There is a term referred to as the Alt Lotto, it pertains mainly to Blacks and Vines that have been bred. Think of each bred egg as a lotto ticket and the grand prize in the Alt Lotto is an Alt dragon. People trade for these lotto tickets (eggs) and see if they have won the grand prize. In most cases where there isn't a winning ticket, the booby prize (the un-alted dragon) usually gets abandoned or given away. Hence why black hatchlings are commonly found in the AP and to a greatly lesser extent Vine hatchlings. I only have a bumper crop of black "lotto tickets" at the moment because I was trying to win the Black Alt lotto for someone whom had requested it on one of the trading forums I breed for on the DC Forums. Ironically, the one that alted was one I glomped from the AP. :rolleyes:
  9. That would tick me off... It was probably me. I accidentally bred while I was egg locked :p
  10. Was Cool Hand Luke one of its ancestors..?
  11. Idk :p Ill check my eggs for their grandpappies
    On another note, I got the bronze trophy. Yay!
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  12. I just picked up a bronze egg :)
  13. Congrats! The Silver one is a bit far from here >_< I think I'll fill the scroll with pinks and reds xD what about you?
  14. I have a silver trophie and have not yet got any of the metal/golden/shimmer/alt types. I'm not to worried about it, I'll get them eventually. I love the challenge. :D I think I have only abandoned about 6-ish eggs in my DC time and those were times when i was breeding and forgot my egg count. I've had 2 deaths of neglect attmepts and 3 deaths from biting. So I can say my DC expereince has been pretty good so far. :D
    Lasluin likes this.
  15. I'm really sorry, I tried to breed all my Blacks and not one of them gave me a black egg! I got a refusal, two "no egg was produced" and I ended up breeding the last one with a Bronze Tinsel... I got a Tinsel Egg xD darn it. Hope you get luckier with the one you have already.
  16. When I look at this, it makes me feel more thankful for my dragons...
  17. Was just pointing out that even those who have been collecting dragons for a while are in the same boat as some newer DC members. Since some have been saying they are unlucky and so forth.
    Lasluin likes this.
  18. Uh..finally..first male black alt..