JAILBREAK The Player Groups: GuardsPolicePrisonersOutside Contacts The Group Goals: Guards: Prevent any prisoners from escaping Prisoners: This one's pretty simple, ESCAPE! Police: Try and catch the cells in progress of planning their prisoners breakout. Outside Contacts: There are two people in a cell, a cell is responsible for breaking outone specific prisoner, who does not know they are coming, while at the same timeavoiding the police. How it Works: You will not know your group until ten minutes BEFORE the game begins. This is to prevent any outside planning or forethought. That way everything takes place IN-GAME! Contacts are notallowed to talk to prisoners via commands, they will have to pass a book with theirmessage to the prisoner or arrange a visit with them.All game chat will take place in local chat.Contacts will have a $5000 budget to purchase supplies to break theirprisoner out. They will purchase these supplies from me or RReaper501. These priceswill always fluctuate so they may be higher 5 minutes later!All aspects will be reexplained in a voice memo I will put outsoon. Map:The map will be custom made, well the prison will be. We will choose a random town or city mapand build a prison somewhere on the map. (Not super far away but outside the city/town.) Time:COUNTDOWN CLOCKThe event will be held March 29, 2013 at 7:30 EST PM (-5 GMT) and will be played for1 hour 30 minutes.IF YOU SIGN UP YOU SAY YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE THERE FOR THE ENTIRE EVENT! Groups will be announced ten minutes before event start, and contacts will be told the prisoner that they are supposed to break out at the start. REWARDS:If a prisoner escapes by himself: 150rIf a prisoner escapes with outside help: 100rGuard stops a breakout: 75rPolice (RIGHTFULLY) jail an outside contact: 150r Sign Up: The server is a 24 slot one so here are the numbers we need: 7 Guards3 Police4 Prisoners8 Outside Contacts Just tell me you want to participate and we will add you to the list! BY SIGNING UP YOU ARE AGREEING THAT YOU ARE CONTENT TO BE PUT INTO ANY GROUP, SO NO COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR GROUP!!! Questions? Feel free to ask below!
Ok, if i'm correct, Central time is an hour behind Eastern time. If i am correct, I'm in. If i am not correct, i'm not in
I can't be there for the entire thing... I'd like to be part of it. Is there something I can do part of the time?
Just set a reminder on your phone or computer, and with all the alerts from here it would be hard to forget.