[Auction] Diamond Uber Picks of Uberness.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by QuilliamPenn, Mar 23, 2013.

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  1. I see your Bane/Psy pic, and raise it

  2. 3.4k

    Pic Unrelated
  3. pssh , lightweights my trans dimentional pony of doom shall put you all in a state of shock with my next bid

    3.5k and a cookie
  4. THREE THOUSAND and six hundred rupees!
  5. That is the most amazing thing i have ever seen ever,
    My god.
    I have never laughed so hard.
  6. Marklea leads with 3.6k!
  7. Deathtomb leads with 3.7k
    Here is Arachna-Pony again.
    Just because he i so freaking adorable. :D
    Next bump i will post a Bane pony cause you guys seem to be liking bane so much......

  8. Am I late?
  9. Nope you're still able to bid :D
    Taterstijb leads with 3.8k !
  10. Marklea in the lead with 4k :D
    You guys were right starting at a lower price works out better.
    Here is Discord as Bane for you. (Discord is an MLP bad dude :3 )
    marklea likes this.
  11. Bump before bed :D
    Marklea still leads at 4k
  12. Pfffft.
    Come on Deathtomb you gonna let Marklea beat you ? :p
    Marklea still leads with 4k
  13. Another bump. (It's been three hours.....)
    All of you posting pictures of Bane.
    I now have found myself holding onto my jacket like he does......All. The. Time.
    Thank You.
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