Lol EMC say goodbye :)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Mr_Tiny, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Far better than 1.0 Imo
    Twitch1 and MR2R2M like this.
  2. Twitch1 likes this.
  3. Hehehehehe.
    Twitch1 and nab27 like this.
  4. trololololol :)
    MR2R2M, Twitch1 and hayleycolgan like this.
  5. There we go, so all who have been involved in this thread, feel free to add this to your signature:

    It looks like this:

    How to change/ edit your signature:

    step 1. Copy the image link outlined above ^
    step 2. Click on your username at the top of the forums, and go to signature.
    step 3. Click the little picture with the tree in the options bar.
    step 4. Paste the image link and click insert.
    step 5. Click save, and enjoy your new signature :D
    Twitch1 and ZerreissenDirge like this.
  6. good tutorial

    Ps. disregard my post link I regret making that in wake of this epic thread! *bows head in shame*
    Twitch1 and MR2R2M like this.
  7. Step-by-step for dummies like me :p
    Twitch1 likes this.
  8. *Logs on

    *Sees there are 9 more pages

    What did I miss?
  9. What happend crazy?
    Twitch1 likes this.
  10. Well, I think we may have had too much EMC fun tonight, but I realized something...

  11. Lol, By my IQ, I'm classed as "moderately gifted" by some definitions and by others, "superior". My IQ = 135. An IQ of 138 means your within the top 0.5 percent of the population. So close ): .
    Twitch1 likes this.
  12. No
    Everyone that has ever contributed to this thread has lost a third of their brain capacity.

    And I FINALLY caught up to everything. :D I read slow. :p
  13. I havent bothered to read most of it, I read first 2 pages, and half of pg.20. Then your comment :p
    Twitch1 likes this.
  14. Read them all for a good laugh :D
    Twitch1 and hayleycolgan like this.
  15. Lol, I sometimes stare at your signature for hours instead of reading things, its endlessly fun. :)
  16. How far do you think the thread will go?
    Will we continually make references to people regarding the stupidity of Mr_Tiny and the randomness which was bred from his single post on EMC (a post that may or may not be long-forgotten) and the immense amount of likecount/postcount boosting that resulted?

    Another thing: why is this thread in EH&S?

    But really, it would be tragic if this thread was deleted. The amount of posts/likes lost in time (they would be gone forever) would be nothing short of appalling.
    Oh, and we should laugh at people more often. It builds unity.
    Twitch1, hayleycolgan and MR2R2M like this.
  17. Ok so when i left earlier there was 2 pages. I came back and there is like 26.
    This is why I love EMC
    while I was gone
    I went to the store
    and I gots the vodka
    the three olives cherry vodka
    that taste awesome
    because I loves the EMC soooooo much
    I will share with everyone
    also picked up something yummy tasting that is non-alcoholic for crazy and anyone else who no drinks the yummy vodka .
  18. I was getting distracted by it during this whole adventure thread! :D
    I was unaware having a good laugh out of complete and utter randomness made you more ignorant. You can null out that last part, we aren't stupid we are crazy there is a difference!!!. I am deeply sorry that you can't handle the chaotic randomness and speed in which this thread went down. I bid you a good day Crazy and hope you can tune in again sometime :p
    Twitch1 likes this.
  19. One can only fathom.
    Lun4rX, Twitch1 and XxBoWnZxX666 like this.
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