Ok, All you smart people that know mods. First computer specs incase you need them MacBook 2008 OS X Lion So i downloaded Optifine and MagicLauncher and put optifine in the mod section and it says its ok. When I test it, nothing. Its all just the same regular minecraft. I downloaded: Optifine_1.4.6_B5.zip Help!
Are you running it as an internal mod? Take a look at my posts here: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/i-need-help-with-optifine-reis-minimap.19950/#post-360022
If you've downloaded 1.2.6 no wonder it's not working, you'll want to download 1.4.7/1.4.6 http://adf.ly/404181/optifined.net/adloadx.php?f=OptiFine_1.4.6_HD_U_D5.zip - There official link
Ok, Im deleting everything minecraft on my computer ( don't worry, made a back up of it and put it on an external hardrive ) and then doing your steps Pab
Ok, then, follow these steps: 1. Delete MagicLauncher 2. Find your "Application Support" Folder. 3. Open up the minecraft folder. 4. Go to "bin" then change the name of minecraft.jar to minecraft.zip. 5. Double-click minecraft.zip to expand it and get a folder. 6. Unzip the OptiFine folder and copy all of the class files. 7. Go back to your expanded minecraft.zip folder and paste the OptiFine class files into the folder. 8. Change the extension of the folder back to .jar. 9. Open Minecraft. 10. ??? 11. Profit! MAC ONLY.
That's the same problem I had with installing optifine on Mac Magic Launcher yesterday but then I resolved it by opening up the orignal downloaded optifine and highlighting all the files and right clicking to compress. I then used the compressed file because I heard in a tutorial that Magic Launcher cant always identify zip files. This extra step should help you with downloading optifine and it should work after Edit: Oh i see now that they are explaining the other way, ah I guess you could do that but it will be harder when downloading other mods later. It's easier to use magic launcher but you can use that method too.