Animal Farms (especially Wool) Just Nerfed

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by cadgamer101, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. This number is NEVER suppose to go below 20.

    18~ or lower or so can cause fireworks to cause extreme client lag.

    Look at this. Town Entity ticking counts as a whopping 24% of all lag. Thats JUST town, and thats WITH The collision change.

    Before? Check out this older one before the change...

    Entities have to be optimized, and I will be continuing to find even more ways to optimize them too.

    If that number is below 20, we have a problem and will continue to work on fixing it.

    I am working on making them check collision SOMETIMES, but basically reduce the rate of checking it, so we keep most of the gain, and also spreading out the checks so every entity isnt checking at same time.
    AzRicer and Jeanzl2000 like this.
  2. My brain hurts... But good job Eye-car :)
  3. This is an issue with me too. When i try to feed my cows all of them congregate on a single block. I've no idea which have been fed and which havent. As a consequence i'm wasting a lot of wheat, and I can't tell how many i've fed. 50 cows on a single block, aargh.
  4. Edited for Human Language: This is how it is. Get used to it. Suck it up.
  5. No worries, Aikar is good at meeting middle grounds with things like this. It will take some "tweaking" but it'll eventually be to a point where it works out for all.
    Pab10S and cadgamer101 like this.
  6. Yeah this is pretty bleh. Just have to do like I did and spam their food and they eventually breed then stand there inside each other.
  7. Also, if push comes to shove a stick does a lot of persuading. =P Just kidding ^.^

  8. Here, sheepy sheepy
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  9. You wouldn't by any chance live next to some power lines, would you? I hear they cause deformities such as 3 eyed, 3 mouthed, 6 legged sheep. :rolleyes:
    vividOptimism likes this.
  10. At my Blaze Grinder on smp2, i have 2 block spaces that they used to land on. Now all of the blazes are on a single block.
  11. SMP1 and 9 have a fix for this.

    I'm testing some more extreme changes on SMP9 for a bit to make sure the bugs are ironed out, then ill push to all and make a post.

    these changes shouldnt affect regular farming, and due to how it works, I was able to reduce the collision detection back to 2 ticks instead of none. So you wont notice barely any difference from vanilla.

    Once SMP9 gives me a good to go, ill roll it to all servers.

    These changes... they are ground breaking for improving performance.
  12. I believe that your fix worked and animal farming and shearing now works close to vanilla, even though we have improved performance.
    So, thank you Aikar for your creative solution that seems to work well from my perspective. :)
    vividOptimism likes this.