Volunteering to put up street and avenue signs

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by gtabmx, Jan 30, 2012.


Would you like Street and Avnue signs at intersections?

Poll closed Feb 13, 2012.
Yes (I prefer street and avenue numbers) 13 vote(s) 31.0%
Yes (I prefer street and avenue names) 23 vote(s) 54.8%
No (I don't want street and avnue signs) 6 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. Still, underlying reasoning for my viewpoint... Street names will server no use what so ever, other than aesthetics :)
  2. :eek: Roudabouts are awesome!!! It gets rid of the need for traffic lights!
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  3. Roundabouts are amazing. Fact.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  4. I believe it should be Numbers and Letters like Battleship. All starting from the Left Top corner. Just a thought. Would be easy for you to place them and be fast.