This fits my timetable almost perfectly. Tomarrow is my last day of work before my vacation. I think I go back around the 20th. I'll grow till then. Game on.
If anybody would like to join in but didn't actually see in time to shave, show us your beards at the end anyways! I didn't manage to get a photo on the day, unfortunately. I will however supply a photo with my finished look photo as I will shave again after taking the first photo.
I now have a complete beard, but it looks like I have a moustache because they are the only hairs that are visible, as well as a small part that comes down from my sideburns.
It's getting seriously out of hand. My stache gets in the way of my mouth when I eat and my neck itches like you wouldn't believe.
I've been doing this as long as I can remember, don't have a before pic though. A fun thing I like to do at the end of no-shave november is every week in december have a different shaped beard.