I am looking for a nether fortress where I can find blazes and wither skeletons. Offering 200r for the coordinates of an undamaged nether fortress withinn 3000 blocks of spawn. I will check the answers in the order they come in and award the money to the first person to tell me the best nether fortress to go to. Only one prize will be given out Hint: one on smp2 will be a better nether fortress, than the same one on another server Sorry, I am going to have to look for one on my own. The problem is wither skeleton spawnings. I appologise for this and i hope I might be able to contine this when bukkit fixes the bug.
If you had the gear, I could show you where you could find gigantic one's that I have struck upon while digging my tunnels.
Not really, but I'm sure I could generate a map that has one pretty easily. I assumed you wanted one on EMC so I jokingly offered one that wasn't, since you didn't sepecify that it needed to be on an EMC server. You should take a look at these threads: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/1-4-current-bugs.17286 http://empireminecraft.com/threads/a-warning-to-all-wither-hunters.17272/ The last I read, even if you had coordinates to a fortress where skeletons were spawning, they probably wouldn't spawn after the servers were rebooted. Some sort of bug in the server code. The good news is that Bukkit has fixed the problem and that Aikar will be updating the servers tonight.