The recent drop in emc players

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by matjam360, Oct 21, 2012.

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  1. Did this get off topic? Well my two cents on this;
    See- the thing about economy science is- it's present in any system that can be dignified as an 'economy'. If you take the time to learn about economy you'll find how similar things are on EMC. (I.E. Concepts of supply and demand, etc.) It all starts with how much people make and are privileged with- verse how much the items at /shop cost (as intended by the admins). It would only end with things like dupe hacks, or a massive rupee influx (someone spending millions of dollars on donations maybe? LOL) -A massive decline in the need to purchase or gather goods. Once a good economic system is in place, (much like the liaison-faire system my country uses) it's actually hard to crash it.
    IamSaj and M4nic_M1ner like this.
  2. Unfortunately, and apparently as a surprise to many members here - it is just the opposite!

    The RL economy is crap because of money printing and virtual money (existent just as a number in a computer), because of "free rupees!"

    So, what we have in EMC is actually copying the RL problems. There are (and were) RL economies in many aspects very simmilar to EMC. Surprise!?

    So, I'm proposing to do things different, fair and natural.

    BTW, EMC economy is only apparently stable - not because of a concept for a stable in-game economy, but because many players just hoard the rupees - with or without actually knowing that they can't spend them anyway (except in the /shop). Many also stop playing actively and take rupees out of the system in that way.

    Perhaps EMC can / could go on like this for a long time, but, it would be more challenging and more fun to have an economy that is fair and stable based on the concept.
    IamSaj, o0_Jetfire_0o and EdmundWayne like this.
  3. Not really. A big part of EMC's userbase is people under 18, and most of them:
    -don't have an online payment method
    -can't get a Visa/Mastercard/whatever gift card due to parents
    -As SecretAznEks once said, "rebel gamers"... the people who have parents that would kill them if they knew they were so much as having an in-game conversation with them.
  4. I was about to say the same thing. RL economies today are based on debt. Money is created out of thin air when banks loan money that didn't previously exist, either through expansionary monetary policy or fractional reserve banking.
    IamSaj, battmeghs and M4nic_M1ner like this.
  5. This was starting to get off-topic and it looks like the OP was answered a while ago now, so going to lock this up. We've already had this economy debate a ton of times now and it's just an endless circle of people who think it's fine vs people who think it's not.
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