Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. zoe come on - i posted my pic on here like 20 times already lol :p
    Chascarrillo and SecretAznEks like this.
  2. Post it
    Post it
    Hey! Post-Its!
    Chascarrillo and mba2012 like this.
  3. Ill post mine too.
  4. That font color -_-
  5. Better?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. Yes:D
  7. Post, fools, post!
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. We all know zoebear is secretly Rihanna or Lady gaga..... :D
  9. Hon I posted myself and I don't look so great and nobody made fun of me. You'll be OK here. I like never post my pic anywhere.

    You don't have to, but it's not like most places here. The mods make sure of it.
  10. Wow, this thread has reached another 43 pages, guess 2.0 might as well become 3.0

    I already posted my pic in another thread but might as well do it again :)

  11. Hiii Waffle! That uncovered bit of window in the background is freaking me out though ._.
    Tehwafflez likes this.
  12. Want me to add a slenderman in it? Yeah the glare shows my haxor'ed wii :D
  13. Haha. That would make it worse :p. I never haxor'ed it but I miss my Wii :(
    Chascarrillo and Tehwafflez like this.
  14. Come on people don't be afraid post more pictures of yourself!
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. This is me. Actually, I think I look better in my profile pic.
    lego_computer_programmer_minifigure.jpg Seriously, did you think I was going to post my REAL photo? I just got a horrible haircut yesterday so I'm not going to take myself anyphotos until it grows again <.<
  16. Photo Booth Fun!
    Lasluin, bl8nk, Chascarrillo and 5 others like this.
  17. Grey text fail
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  18. Here is a more pro one of me!
  19. Yes, I can totally see what your legs look like.
    Malicaii12 and SoulPunisher like this.
  20. Fail? Why? :)
    marknaaijer likes this.
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