Question Of Today!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by tato505, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. hhahaha its not really greifing, its about causing grief..... XD
  2. I come from a land far far away where we dont have Halloween ;d (Bulgaria)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  3. You should kickstart it over there!
  4. Thats really sweet of you :3
  5. I know right? Would you like some of the sweets i gather this year? ;)
  6. Wow ofc mister pedobear why not XD
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  7. LOL mr2...and oh Bulgaria cool! Gah i need to leave this country for a while(america) i want to see Sweden and the rest of europe! maybe australia...if they get the spiders in check!

    mr2 stop being a pedobear or i will put you in the hole and spray you with the hose again!
  9. well thats helpful :p :)
  10. Not just spiders, theres snakes as well!!
  11. Come to New Zealand, no dangerous animals here! :)
  12. LOL any particular sweet u enjoy XD
  13. i got no issues with snakes...i like snakes....spiders are a totally different ball game! so maybe NZ is where it's at.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  14. Course bro, and whats better is nz is in a huge hype cus we won the world cup :DDD
  15. Well i guess if you got it custom made now... You could maybe get one. I'd say make your horse a pig and then dress up as the minecraft steve, yourself. :D
    Crabigail likes this.
  16. Snakes AND Spiders are cool. I have a spider roommate. :) He's awesome.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  17. Toy spiders dont count mate XD
    ZerreissenDirge likes this.
  18. It's a real spider. Lives in one of my shoes. I cant bring myself to kick it out (no pun intended) it's web is too cool.
  19. TROLOLOLOLOL wow mr2 xD
    MR2R2M likes this.
  20. seen as we are on the topic of spiders..... and the server authentication aint letting us through....

    What do you get if you cross a spider and an elephant?