Music Disc For 100r!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by S_R_L_B, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Just sent you the 100R. What sever?
  2. Smp1 1178.
  3. Once I recieve payment of the order you asked for. The chest will be set up.
  4. I would like to buy 1 chirp disc please!
  5. Can you come to smp1 and I can pay you?
  6. Just sent you the 200r.
  7. Sorry Bill :/ We are out of stal. I will refund the 100r If you would still like blocks. You will be the first one to get stal if we get more.
  8. ok iam going to play today later
  9. Yeah that's fine with me I'll take blocks now and wait until you get any more of stal.
  10. I want one of all of them:)
    Can you come and deliver them at smp1?
  11. I'll take one of each that is left. How much is it?

    SMP2 4342
  12. I want 11
  13. S_R_L_B can i buy four more or are you out of stock?
  14. if u have them can i buy stal, blocks, mellohi, and chirp
  15. i sent you 400r
  16. I'll buy all of them except "cat" & "13" ( i have those!)
    Pm me when u have time and ur are ready for the transaction. I'm located on the SMP2 server @ 3440

    Thanks in advance,
  17. I'll buy all of them :)
  18. Oh god. I just got back from my friends to see all these orders! Bill The lizard. I checked my rupees history and I haven't got the money D: . nnnmc1 I am Making your order right now You ca pick it up at 1178 after I receive your payment.. I will soon go get more disc for those who have ordered. Sorry but its hard to keep these in stock :D
  19. Oh Plus! I wont be on much today, (Family Issues) Tomorrow. (My Birthday!!! :D) But I will try really hard to get on the next day? :p