I had made up my very 1st invention with redstone! If this has been already been invented, please forgive me . . . No mods are needed to do this Here are some photos for this. I used lamps and glowstone for example
i get it, so you could have a dirt doorway and have it a diamond block doorway in the flick of a switch? cool!
Cool "invention" tried it out a bit, but it can be messed up very easily... (Turning both switches on at the same time) I am having trouble thinking clear tonight; but I will see if I can find a decent logic gate for this...
Ok, I made some changes to the design... with this design... it is pretty well foolproof. If you want to know how to make it, either use the screenshots, This link (C), or just ask me http://imgur.com/a/QH2qh Edit: I uploaded a file... a more basic design, that won't take a 2 year degree in Redstone to recreate