Black Ops 2: Collector's Editon/Hardened Editon (For CoD Fans ONLY)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IamSaj, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. More like:
    November: Buy the game and play it, love it
    March: Get excited about black ops
    November: Buy the game and play it, dislike and not like it.

    March: Get bored of black ops and see trailer for mw3
    November: Buy it, hate it, sell it.
    March: Sees trailer for mw3:
  2. Just saying, that's how it works for most fans. I have a really weird friend who jumps boat so frequently we forget whether he's into CoD or Halo. Also, this might be the oddest hijack ever. I will enjoy seeing where this thread goes.
  3. awwweee super evil face dont work >:)
  4. Is that the 80's edition?!
    If that is the 80's edition, god help me.....


  5. yay more ponies :D

  6. die hard pony fan...

  7. SOOOOOOOO true ;)


  9. I got bored...
    Oh I also found this...

    EDIT: Are, Are you trying to 1-up yourself?
  10. I'm going to be on-topic in he vaguest sense of the term.

    Hey, we were talking about CoD and Halo before the unintended ponification of this thread.
  11. I personally thought they would include Elite Premium with the Collector's/Hardened Edition, like they did for MW3.
    (Note: I am only getting a 2nd year of Elite Premium for ZOMBIES)
  12. I'm sort of kicking ELITE away. It was a waste of money for me.
  13. BUMParoonie!
  14. I thought this was dead?! I can guarantee this thread won't be able to recover from the ponies.
  15. It probably won't. But I'm just providing info..... :3
  16. If people want to see it they can look it up. I'm sorry, but this will probably melt the eyeballs of some people, and without eyeballs, how can you play CoD?
  17. Trust me, half you the people who play CoD act like the don't even have eyeballs.