ZebraFishCat Picture

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by zebrafishcat, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Ok so all u lovely computer ppl out there im looking for a new profile picture and maybe even a skin that reflects my name. Basically i want a zebra fish and cat in one. So i plan to give out a prize to the best picture. The prize hasn't been decided yet though, so talk to me!
  2. Here's a profile pic for you

    This was surprisingly difficult.
    zeke1o0o likes this.
  3. So srry but i could have done this. Dont think you'll win :p
  4. haha, i can tell lots of time went into making this!
  5. By difficult, I mean Paint.nets lasso tool irritates me very much. So sloppy...
  6. I've never used the lasso tool :p I just add new layers.
  7. Zebrafishcat = Zebra Pleco

    Yeah, its a tiny little breed of catfish.
    battmeghs likes this.
  8. krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  9. yea but he doesnt want a zebra catfish, he wants a zebra fish cat
  10. Contact a furry artist about that.
    battmeghs likes this.
  11. did u make this or did u make this?
    GTG to work be back later to decide
  12. battmeghs likes this.
  13. Did I make this or did I make this?
    Yes, I made this LOL
    Combined these:


  14. lol that face looks like my cat when she knows she has woken me up before i wanted to be...
  15. wow, i never knew how much of my stuff shows up when you google battmeghs. LOL.
    will_iamd likes this.
  16. Even more stuff comes up when you google Tehwafflez :D
  17. Awsome ur reward shall be........

    2500 rupees *sound good?*
  18. If this is meant for me, sounds great :)
  19. Awww... Mines Great! :p