I think they are. I've been fascinated by reptiles all of my life and have been interested in zoology ever since I heard of it. They're listed as threatened and it is a criminal offence to kill one on purpose. However, for safety reasons (much like your father's) you are allowed to kill one IF you didn't know it was a ratsnake.
well, then there isn't a problem. so. it shall be fine. i looked it up, and i didn't see the words threatened or endangered once under their name. not an eastern rat snake, just a black rat snake.
Yes, black ratsnakes are threatened I was talking to Terminator. He said he was going to purposely kill them o-o
Only if you work at a zoo and there is a terminally ill animal and you've tried everything you can. Zoologists study extinct animals, evolution in animals, study cryptozoology, study environmental ecology, and specialize in one or two groups of animal (mammal, reptile (me), amphibian (me), etc), just to name a few.
I'm like 131324531% sure that in this case he wouldn't get in trouble. The endangered rule applies to those who go out LOOKING to hunt endangered animals. If a bald eagle came flying at your face wtih his talons out and you beat the crap out of it with whatever you head nearest to you, we'll say a pool noodle toy for this purpose, I'm sure you'd be okay. Self defense ftw.
% war!!! im 564738474581657014634562376557640875238465781632745867489306788340978068954703567749% sure
iCC! how dare you say the bald eagle! you live in the USA, that's our nations symbol! however this is emc, so it would only matter if you beat up a cow made of ice cream, a cow that produces ice cream instead of milk, or if you killed justin guy in self defense. or you killed your clo-*gasp* best idea. EVER. who's heard of dolly the sheep? lets just clone all the mods and admins multiple times and make emc that much better! ICC you gave me the best idea! to the lab people! we need to get working!
meh, only mods and admins. too expensive other wise XD unless... oh god. holy crapfest. lets clone together bill gates, stephen hawking, steve jobs, and that one guy in mexico that is the richest man in the world (sorry bill gates, you lost in 2010) then we will have a genius who can make us get the funding we need to clone everybody in EMC AND(!) give EMC millions extra!