They told me I was mad....

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Vodka4Breakfast, Jul 6, 2012.


I this the biggest pixel-art you've seen in EMC so far?

Yes 25 vote(s) 89.3%
No 3 vote(s) 10.7%
  1. I mean AFTER Steve x'3
  2. Oh otay.
  3. ……(\_/)
    ……( ‘_’)
    …./”"”"”"”"”"”"\====== IMA FIRING MAH LAZOR AT YOU,,,,,
    Good job on the pixel art anyway, even if you are leaving good old SMP8 where absolutely nothing happens :)
  4. Oh no no no, I'M not leaving ;) We just moved the shop :) I'm staying here at good 'ol SMP8
  5. chrome FTW!!
  6. Oh I already have it :)

    EDIT: I thought you were also telling me in the reply itself about the app
  7. ok?
  8. Just build the new one on top of it. On the next layer that is. And keep doing that :D
    Ethereum likes this.
  9. Sounds good. Sounds real good actually :)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  10. Nice! This gives me so many random ideas .... where to start!
    Ethereum and ZimfurrY like this.