Happy new year 2012! Free rupees + community survey

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. Happy New Year everyone!
    Feliz Año Nuevo a todos!
  2. Happy new year all :D Thanks Justin for the 250r. (could have used that earlier) Thanks all of EMC for making such a great server :)
  3. Only a half hour left for me till New Year! Did the survey.
    JustinGuy likes this.
  4. Happy New Years, you crazy gamers!

    Idk about all of you, but I has to go to bed. Church is in the morning. Otherwise I'd stay up ALL FRIGGIN' NIGHT!

    Thanks for the rupees, Justin. You and Jeremy make a terrific bank-robbing duo!

    Ok, gonna take this survey, check the smp3 lot votes, and then skedaddle to bed before I'm caught on my laptop after I'm supposed to be in bed.

    I'm my own man everywhere but in my parent's house!

  5. Thanks to Kalland Labs and everyone that is a part of EMC!
  6. Happy new year guys and girls. :)
  7. Lol *puts heavenly moderation in survey*
  8. It showed up in mine on its own as well, on the 30th :)
  9. wow, i didnt see it on mine, if it did... :(
  10. Why would we be drinking and driving when we are playing EMC?
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  11. Until they give us cars in Minecraft, I will only be drinking and boating/mining/enchanting/building lol.
    bob23646 likes this.
  12. Sorry, but I'm a bit offended about you quoting/joking about the drinking and driving statement I made, it was meant as a serious reminder at this time of year.

    Not funny when a teenager has been cut in half or crushed to death, because of a drunk driver slaming into him. -.-

    Nothing more to say....
  13. Agreed I was in the Military and we lose more members from drunk driving than in battle......
  14. Yes, I know this. We lose many soldiers here in Ft. Stewart on a weekly basis than we do in Afghanistan or Iraq.
    I was merely referencing, jokingly, my choice to drink and play Minecraft. :)
    I don't get belligerently drunk but I definitely dig up a lot more lava/sand/water/gravel than I should... :)
    It is sad to learn of victims of drunk driving, especially when they are innocent parties rather than the scum bag who made the choice to be inconsiderate and reckless in their lives.

    I did not mean any offense by my comment, I was merely trying to put a lighter spin on a negative connotation as there is no need to dwell on negative thoughts, especially going into the new year...
    People make stupid mistakes, no matter how much warning you give them ahead of time.

    We do mandatory safety briefings before every weekend and yet we still have soldiers making stupid decisions, sometimes resulting in severe injury or fatalities. You can't stop an idiot from being stupid...
    bob23646 and Malicaii12 like this.
  15. Saw it on my homescreen too!

    I love those little connotations in the top-right corner!
  16. I like the free rupees every holiday!
  17. Thanks Justin. Filled out the survey too
    JustinGuy likes this.
  18. This year, im pretty sure im going to donate :D EMC FTW!!