Just an amazing build. Right now I'm not sure I'm clever enough to find all the secret rooms after you get the crown, (but I'm still trying)!
Thanks, the build them really appreciates all the praise. If you want to get through the extra puzzles, we started a mini sharing group here so we can help each other. Some of those puzzles get mighty tricky, and we would love everybody's help. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/challenge-time-travelers.88031/
Loved the builds this year. The time shifting was a pretty cool idea. We have a great build team for sure!
It's the default minecraft enchantment language. And here is a quick translation: They seem like just some quick notes made by the researchers.
Thanks to a few VERY patient helpers (mostly Triphora, but also Sonicol and Jewel), farmerguyson and I were able to stumble and bumble our way to the 'exclusive' club Thanks to them and also to the great team that worked so hard to make this event the best ever on EMC! Amazing concept and executed to perfection!
I have to second that on the help of a few super patient friends to wait patiently and to provide tips on how to get through the extra bits. I lost track of how many jump attempts I made while they stood on the pressure plates. Thank you! Also I have to say it again, thank you Build Team and staff for an awesome build, not just for us to explore, but for us to work together for more than a day to see the extras. You guys are awesome!
Thisnyears events have been jost fantastic, and really love the Crown... looks very cool eh! Thanks to the whole Team!
Is the crystal event currently open or closed? Or am I being very silly not being able to find my way in....? That doesn't bode well for the puzzles!
Event was temporarily closed for maintenance. The issue had been solved in the meantime so it should be reopened soon.
Best event yet, the time traveling part reminded me of Titanfall 2 where you phase in between the present ruined state of a laboratory, and the functioning version of it from the past https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90eFsDRxdS8&pp=ygUfdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgdGltZSB0cmF2ZWwgbWlzc2lvbg== ^So that was going through my mind as I went through it Very creative and love the functional promo too. Progryck's power only grows over time, he hasn't peaked yet somehow
Openly weeps tears from missing the festivities If the cursed crown closes, I will have to resort to buying one of someone. [Before I can get back into the game]
The cursed crown event is currently closed due to the update. If the update didn't break it. We will re-open it. to be determined on that.