[AUCTION] 1 DC Leather

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by GeistKitsune, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Thread Title: [AUCTION] 1 DC Leather
    Item: 3456 Leather
    Starting Bid: 1000 Rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment: 100 Rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after most recent bid.

    Auction Pickup Location: SMP9 19398 -> straight ahead for auction pickup

    EfficiencyV likes this.
  2. Nah m8.

  3. Nah m8.

    GeistKitsune likes this.
  4. Current highest bid: 12,500 rupees
    Bidder: Varua
    Time until auction ends (if no other bids): 23 hours 20 minutes

    Thanks to everyone who has bid so far!
    W1therRex and Varua like this.
  5. seems i'm interested in it. 13.500r for the price!
    GeistKitsune likes this.
  6. Current highest bid: 13,500 rupees
    Bidder: W1therRex
    Time until auction ends (if no other bids): 32 hours 43 minutes
  7. Just want to thank everyone who bid on this one last time. I really didn't expect it to be so popular. I really appreciate it!

    Current highest bid: 13,500 rupees
    Bidder: W1therRex
    Time until auction ends (if no other bids): 15 hours & 15 minutes (approximately)
  8. If I'm not mistaken, this is still open? If so, 15,000 Rupees
    GeistKitsune likes this.
  9. The leather legacy continues!

    Current highest bid: 15,000 rupees
    Bidder: Rhatrix
    Time until auction ends (if no other bids): 23 hours & 37 minutes
    Rhatrix likes this.
  10. Auction Has Ended

    Winner: Rhatrix
    Winning Bid: 15k
    Pickup Location: SMP9 19398 -> straight ahead for auction pickup

    Access sign is already placed on the auction chest. Feel free to pay at pickup. Thanks!
  11. Thanks! I'll pick it up within the next day or two, busy with work at the moment :)
  12. No problem at all. It's nestled safely in my auction room awaiting your visit ;)