smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I like your fervor, but once your in, it's cool to make fun of yourself, and there will be A LOT of to make fun of right Uni?
    shoulda gone active... :)
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  2. Lol, k. But if you read the fullness of my post you probably wouldn't have found it offensive. But alright, think what you want. That is all.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  3. Oh god yes. They would march by and laugh at us cause we did PT in the morning at AIT. So when they'd fall out of battalion runs we'd laugh at them. They pretty much how we made fun of them. So ya, no need to get butthurt but whatever. :p

    And I know. I kinda wish I would have but I love the unit that I am in right now. <3 They are amazing. I'm with an aviation unit!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  4. Yeah we have some aviation guys in our shop, mainly drone stuff though, 15E and 15W, and they're super cool, they try to be huah huah and stuff. :) Do you get wings for being attached to an aviation unit?
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  5. Can't wait till I can be back on :p
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  6. Sadly no I don't. But they are training me for my second MOS to become a pilot, because sooner or later they are going to be getting rid of the cook section so I would have to get another MOS anyways, They gave me the study book on how to PMCS a black hawk... That thing is so thick I could kill someone with it... >>:: But ya. I can't wait to go to training for that. Once I complete that training then I will get my little wings. c:
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  7. I did not know this. Are they replacing it with civilians? On my base they're getting rid of civilians left and right to save money.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  8. I really don't know what they are doing. /: Being it's National Guard we'll probably just be catered by restaurants.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  9. Yeah probably cheaper than paying you guys to do it. Or just get straight MREs the whole time... :)
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  10. Oh god I hate MRE's... >>::
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  11. No way! a good Cheese Tortellini for me anyday! (They always have candy or cake in them...)
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  12. Or Sloppy Joe. I loved and killed for Cheese Tortellini! xD
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  13. well, I'm off nice chatting! I TTYL!
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and UnicornZombi like this.
  14. I would like to join it sounds really fun!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  15. Sure. I will sent you a map and some links. Welcome on board!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  16. Let's stay on topic here, please.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  17. The mooshroom near the guesthouse got griefed or despawned. I replaced it. The others seem fine. There were two block missing from the beamer shrine two. I put leaves there.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  18. Haha yea we should finish that :p
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  19. I remember when they first came out with the chemical heater in the MRE. I thought that was the neatest thing.

    Not that I was in the military, but where I lived, we had an AFB, AFS, four US Army Forts, two navy ports/bases and a Marine base too. Had buddies from the Army, USAF and USN. No marines, for some reason. ;)
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  20. Gasped out loud. Scared the hubby.
    A chicken?
    I've seen airkiller99 and Iceman log in for a while now. Someone was even claiming Iceman griefed their stuff on another server they all played on. How did they get caught? Were they caught in the act?

    My hubs was in the AF, he used to load bombs and maintain weapons systems. I told him I was jealous he got to go to Japan.:(

    Sorry if this post shows up wrong. Forums seem to be crapping themselves atm on my end.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and zulu9 like this.