Buy Land In The Wild

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by FearlessWaffle, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. The wild(erness) is called the 'wild(erness)' for a reason.
    Curundu likes this.
  2. My thoughts on this.
  3. If you are supporter, you can hide yourself in Wilderness and explore without being followed
    And no, buying land in Wilderness is not a good idea
  4. Jlopez
  5. There will always be exceptions..
  6. i love grey text. there needs to be a thread for this
  7. This thread is like one of those scratch and sniff cards, except you use a mouse to get to the smelly stuff.
    Michael_Nolan likes this.
  8. 621op:eek:
    pat2011 likes this.
  9. I use my slight greytext so that people can notice that it is there, im not actually trying to hide it
  10. Then why use greytext at all? If you want people to notice it, then use whitetext.
    Chascarrillo, Monster_ and Manglex like this.
  11. Good point... I guess i didnt think of that
    Chascarrillo and Monster_ like this.