[Halloween Story] I Fear My Neighbor

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by Gaming_Comander, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. Happy Halloween EMC! I wanted to write a story for the occasion that is primarily scary but has some comedic elements to it. Im more used to writing third person stories, so sorry if it's bad, 1st person just isn't my thing. There's nothing too violent for the kiddos, of course :D Let's begin!

    My name is Chuck Winston, and I'm an engineer with only four years of experience in the field, as I've switched professions several times in my short life. Part of my job was going to different cities to design things such as bridges and streets. My boss told me I would be staying in the Houston area for a few months, and encouraged me to get settled.
    The first thing I did was search for the cheapest apartment, as I figured I wouldn't be at home often and would just be consumed working on this project. I didn't have a lot of things, so I didn't need a big space. I find a very tall, very cheap apartment downtown, and raced over there to drop off my stuff and call it a night.
    I went to pick up my key and made it up two flights of stairs before I got to my room. The walls were very thin, and I could hear a tv in the room right next to me. Figuring that someone must be home, I walked next door to greet my temporary neighbor.
    I knocked and waited patiently for about twenty seconds before I decided to walk away, but as soon as I turned my back to the door it opened, and I swiftly turned around. A man with a big torso and skinny legs opened the door, his face was very egg-shaped and he didn't have a lot of hair at the top. "Howdy, neighbor! I'm Chuck, Chuck Winston. I just moved next door a few minutes ago, and thought I'd pop by and introduce myself," I said happily.
    The man just stared at me before saying, "I'm Danny. Welcome to the ride of your life." He then slammed the door on me and I could hear him walking away. I gulped and slowly walked back to my place. After taking a shower I decided I had a long enough day and I should really sleep. As I turned it, I heard the screaming of a woman coming from Danny's building, accompanied by a loud SLASH. The screaming continued, and I got worried.
    I jumped out of my bed and darted towards his house. I began to bang on the door, hoping I'd have enough time to save the poor girl. The screaming soon stopped and a few seconds later Danny opened the door to me.
    "WHERE IS SHE," I asked in my deepest voice. "She," Danny said, confused. "Th-the girl! The girl I heard screaming," I frantically said. "Look, Chuck, was it? There was no girl here, so stop worrying about it and please, stop knocking on my front door. Now, if you excuse me, I have business to attend to up in my attic. Goodnight," he said kindly.
    I didn't care what he said. I heard a girl and I am going to get to the bottom of this.
    SkeleTin007 and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  2. I woke up the next day with a huge headache. I called in sick for work because the headache was really bothering me and I had to keep investigating this whole thing. I checked my clock. 1:15 PM. Surely if he had more people I would've heard them scream. I got out of bed and knocked on his door once more. I head a loud, annoyed sigh before he answered the door.
    "Oh, hey, sorry neighbor. I was just passing by and uh...beautiful day we're having right? Anyways, mind if I come inside," I asked. "No," he said sternly. "Come on, Danny. "What do you have to hide," I asked. "I don't like social calls, at all. I find other people to be so...infuriating...but if it'll get any suspicion off your mind, you're welcome to come in. There's just one rule: Don't go up to the attic," he said.
    I nodded and he let me inside. It was a giant place with very old items. The TV was vintage and his floor was decorated with rugs which were accompanied by dust. I went to the kitchen island and inspected it, opening and closing drawers to find any knives or cleavers. I thought he didn't have any until I opened up the largest drawer. In it were several clean, sharpened knives, all thrown in there and unorganized.
    I began shaking as I reached over to grab a knife to inspect it and accidentally cut my finger in the process. I rushed over to the sink, where I was horrified to see several knives, dirtied with blood on the blades of them. "Do you like horror movies, Chuck," he asked me.
    "N-no," I stuttered. "Hm...I'm particularly fond of the Friday the 13th movies," he said. "Oh, I've heard of them but never watched any," I quickly said before moving on to the next part of the house.
    As I continued I saw a string on the roof, and decided to pull it. When I did a staircase fell down and I realized it led up to the attic. Seizing my opportunity I tried to climb the stairs but I was picked up at my waist by Danny. "What did I tell you about going up there," he asked angrily.
    "Aw, geez. I'm sorry Danny," I said worryingly. As he carried me out the front door he said, "I don't want you at my house anymore. I know you're new here, but next time think twice before you come near my room ever again. Curiosity killed the cat." He threw my out before slamming the door shut. I was now more determined than ever to find out what was in the attic.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  3. That night, I had the idea to call up my friend Ygnacio, who was working on the same project as me. When he answered I asked, "Hey, Ygnacio, can you do me a favor?" "Anything for you, Chuck," he answered. "Great! I need you to come over and pretend you're here to tow my next-door neighbor's car. I think he's a murderer but I can't say for sure yet," I said. "Really? A murderer! I'll be there right away," he said before hanging up.
    About 10 minutes later, there was a knock at my door and saw it was Ygnacio through the peephole. I let him in and told him exactly what he was going to do. "You're going to knock and his door and tell him that his car is about to be towed. Take him outside and find a random car and say it's going to be towed. Even if he say's it's not his car DO NOT take no for an answer," I whispered. He nodded and I let him out and put my ear against the wall.
    I heard him talking to Danny. "Hello are you...Danny," Ygnacio asked. "Who's asking," Danny said rudely. "Hey, I'm for the Houston Towing Company, and I'm here to tell you that I'm about to tow you're car," Ygnacio said. "But I don't have a car," Danny said. "Dangit," I whispered from under my breath. "No," Ygnacio said. "What," Danny and I said at the same time, equally confused by what Ygnacio just said.
    "Look, just come with me man. It'll make my job easier," Ygnacio said. I heard him and Danny walk out of the house and waited a few seconds before making my way to Danny's room. When I was finally inside, I saw Halloween playing on the TV and saw raw meat on his kitchen island. I gulped and sweated a bit at the sight of it before opening the attic. When I was finally up there, the first thing I saw was several freezers lined up against the wall. Across from the freezers were meat hooks and a chainsaw. "Texas...Chainsaw....Oh my God," I loudly whispered.
    "Sorry for wasting you're time," I heard Ygnacio call. I then heard Danny mutter something before slamming the door. "This is why I hate people," he said. I could hear him walk closer to me, and I grew more and more nervous with each footstep. "How odd, the attic shouldn't be open, unless I forgot to close it earlier," Danny told himself.
    My heart skipped a beat and I let out a tiny gasp as I watched him close the attic, trapping my inside.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  4. [Saved for Part 4]
  5. [Saved for Part 5]
  6. [Saved for The Finale]
  7. Quite a story got there, I'm very curious what you have planned for it~
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  8. Parts 2 and 3 have been updated!
  9. Is this going in Share Your Scares??
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  10. No, though I did write a story, it's called, "My Haunted House" it's much shorter but the ending hits just as hard
    Raaynn likes this.