Removing blocks

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Azuleesh, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. SlendisFi, we are moving your old blocks at Emerald bay, we have the materials in boxes.

  2. If you need to talk to one person make a conversation or use discord.
  3. This conversation may of been best to be privately discussed. You can do that, click your inbox on the upper right of the web page and there should be a button that says, "Start a new Conversation". From there it should be self explanatory! If the player you are trying to reach is unavailable, you might need staff involved.

    Good luck!
    607 likes this.
  4. SlendisFi has been offline for months, he has also been banned from our base. I need Senior Staff to come an unlock the last few blocks from his leftover build. #snoozert #moremoople
  5. Sent a PM. :)
    fBuilderS and 607 like this.
  6. I think Conductor hit it on the nail, hope your issue is resolved