Hello! Are you not allowed to use your email address to get Discord, or do you not trust Discord? Then do I have something good for you? ... The answer is yes? I asked a question, ANSWER ME!!! I will show you how to get Discord WITHOUT your own email address! Note: for security reasons, don't let people know what the email address that you're using is ( if possible ), or delete the email from discord after you're done setting it up as the address has no password. I did this myself (user=Superuser) so I know it works. My personal discord (user=Hunter2002YT), however, uses Gmail. Step 1 Go to dispostable.com In the text field, enter any random inbox name, but be sure to remember it. You can do this later, but you want to make sure the inbox is empty. Step 2 Go to discordapp.com Sign up, enter a username, and when you claim your account, use your dispostable address. I.E. Username_ TheUseriestUser Email______ lodierwahloodle@dispostable.com Password__ passwordlolXD Step 3 Go to dispostable, and return to your inbox. You should see an email from discord. Click this email, you will need to solve a reCAPTCHA. Click Verify Email. You will be directed to Discord, and you'll have to solve another reCAPTCHA. That's all! You now have acquired a Discord account without using your own email! ( Unless of course your email IS a dispostable! ) EDIT: There's an obvious downfall to this, Dispostable has no passwords, so one could claim to have forgotten your password, and steal your account. I recommend using your real email for security reasons. Distant future edit: I haven't seen other user's email addresses, so it's possible that as long as you keep your email a secret, it remains a secure option (in theory at least).
If you want to be friends with the instance of me that is using dispostable for discord, here you go! https://discord.gg/rSNnWcg
step 1: don't trust discord step 2: make an account which is possibly the most insecure account ever made step 3: tell everyone about it step 4: ??? step 5: profit just, why?
For the dumbest reason ever, the same reason that people spend months finding glitches in a game, Because I can!
Also I made it clear that I trust discord, and that the idea is dumb. I just wanted to break something lol.
You didn't find a glitch or break anything... this works on most places that require an email address. I've used it before on websites that I knew would send me spammy emails.
Ummm... I just said that I was just doing this because I can, I wanted to see if I could, as some sites don't take dispostable.
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend doing this. Instead, rather create an alternative e-mail address if you for some reason don't feel comfortable using your main personal one. You can easily create an extra Gmail/Google account, or if you don't like Google either, use mail.com.
If you use Gmail (maybe Hotmail/Outlook too), when filling in the email field for a site registration, you can make a 'different email' by appending text with an + before the @ sign, which Gmail ignores when receiving mail. For example, myname+discord@gmail.com would still be the same as myname@gmail.com as far as Gmail is concerned. This means that emails go to your normal mailbox but you can specifically block/filter emails going to that address if you don't trust the site. Also handy for alts
Huh, I didn't know that! I do often have to tell people that periods in an e-mail address don't really matter. I'm not sure. I was looking for a way to create some fun e-mail addresses. Mail.com has got lots of fun domains, like birdlover.net, collector.org and kittymail.com.