[SHOP] Cozy Cottage Woodshop

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by LunarEndergirl, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. The Cozy Cottage Woodshop has just recently opened up for business!
    Located on smp5 (/v 11240, /v +CCW), it's a small shop that carries wood logs, planks, saplings & more .

    Come by and check it out!
    Tuqueque, w1therrex, liamwill and 6 others like this.
  2. I like the shop! However, I can't get inside because of the doors :p
    xGGirlx and Big__Kev like this.
  3. I'm sorry! D: I forgot to put pressure plates on the doorway.
    I've fixed it now. It should work.
  4. Woohoo! thanks!
    xGGirlx likes this.
  5. I'd really like to bump this post because I love this shop, simple and beautiful res with a great store.
    purplebook163, xGGirlx and Big__Kev like this.
  6. Really love the look! Reminds me of shavingfoams old woodshop ^-^ I'll have to put this in my list of things to visit lol
    xGGirlx likes this.
  7. Thanks! I'm glad you all like the shop!:D

    Just added jungle trees and dark oak trees to my tree farm. Once I grow enough stock, I'll be selling them as well.
    Bixlow_ likes this.
  8. I love your shop!!
    ChespinLover77 and xGGirlx like this.
  9. Thank you very much!

    Just an update, both the log and plank variants of the jungle & dark oak are now being sold as well.
  10. It's been a long while, but I have dusted off the shelves and opened the shop back up. I've built a universal wood farm. So, now I'm able to chop more wood.

    Currently Selling:

    Oak: Logs/Planks/Seeds
    Birch: Logs/Planks/Seeds
    Spruce: Logs/Planks/Seeds
    Acacia: Logs/Planks/Seeds
    Dark Oak: Logs and Planks
    Jungle: Logs and Planks
    Stone Bricks

    Coming Soon:

    Crimson Stem
    Warped Stem
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  11. Now selling and buying Warped and Crimson Stems!

    EDIT: Lowered the prices for all planks, dark oak wood, stone bricks, and cobblestone.
    KatydidBuild and ChespinLover77 like this.
  12. Update: Now selling 64 Sticks for 8r!

    Coming Soon:
    Mangrove Logs
    Mangrove Planks
    Zomberina and DrasLeona247 like this.
  13. ur market is cool
    LunarEndergirl likes this.
  14. Thank you!
  15. Update: Now selling Mangrove Propagules! 10 for 5r.

  16. Update: My shop is now partnered with Zomberina's smp3 shop through her Shopkeepers Partner Assoc. I've also built a shopkeeper partner wall outside my shop res, next to the fountain area. Feel free to message me if you want to partner with my shop.

    Tuqueque likes this.