Hi, I'm am looking for different ways to make a good amount of rupees in a shortish amount of time. If you have any suggestions then please comment them below.
Voting is a good way to make rupees, it does take some time but the bonuses are really good. Here is the hard part, you need to find a gap in the market which players want but no-one is selling a high demand, that is up to you to find out but it can pay off big time.
best way for me is to gather aton of something and selling it in auction on here, like a few DC's of wheat or sand for example~!
I would say the same as Sach said, the stuff that people are in need of but has only small supply usually sell for the most. For example, If you go on a quartz mining trip, you can easily get about 50 - 100K in a couple hours. Terracotta or clay can also earn you quite a bit. A little side-note too: Sure, some ways to earn rupees are easier than others, but just like in real life there is not really a 'magic way' to get guaranteed rich without too much effort. If you want to make rupees, you have to put in some time and dedication, no matter which way you use. However, if you can make rupees with something you like doing, then it is not that bad to put the time in . Good luck !
Like haastregt said, there is no get rich quick scheme. Whether you build a mall, build farms in the frontier, gather resources or sell promos... you are going to have to put time in to get anywhere. Even with promos, you aren't going to make a ton of money jumping straight into it. After you get something going then rupees will come in with no problem. I have an outpost that has farms and before shulker boxes i built an elaborate freight line back to spawn and also took advantage of a new item that everyone wanted. When the updates come you can get lucky and get a good amount of money in quickly but it won't last as the market becomes saturated and half the time its a gamble what you are going to spend your time on. It isn't always easy to determine what the most profitable new item will be. If you like to fight monsters, stick your difficulty on ten and don your voter gear. you will make a ton of money pretty quickly. someone that isn't any good at fighting mobs is going to need practice. If you want to gather resources, i would start with quartz. once you can afford some of those OP picks, going to the end and mining the obby towers pays well, so I am told. If you like exploring, head in the end and chase down elytra and shulker boxes. After you get good at it you can make more money than you ever will mining anything. But, like you have heard and has been said. If you are going to put in a bunch of time and your only goal is to make money, learn the promos and special items. You aren't going to make more money doing anything else. Even the most notable malls will never make as much money as one zealous and well informed promo trader.