[Suggestion] Saved Residences

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by cTJx, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Oh! This residence was awesome, I should come back here sometime else.

    Some residences are awesome, it's true. Whether they offer cheap resources or free utilities, we all have those go-to residences.

    My suggestion is a menu that you can save certain residences to.

    Scenario: I really liked residence 11078. It had a variety of different supplies that I can use, as well as cheap prices in the shop, and I want to be able to come back to this residence without having to leave my game window for a notepad or anything.

    Instead, I can use the command /saveres {saved note}. This then saves the item to a menu which I can access from anywhere in town.

    Apologies for the lack of pretty colors, I was quite lazy. =P

    Supporter integration: regular players get five saved residences, iron supporters get ten, gold supporters get eighteen, diamond supporters get twenty-seven.
  2. Personally, I think this is one of the best suggestions I've seen in a long time. You identified an issue that isn't really easily solved in another manner currently, aside from a hard-copy list irl. You were very through, but not overwhelmingly so. Great presentation. I'll make sure that the devs see this one, but I can't promise anything from there.
  3. I agree. 10/10 would love to see this in game... I am a promo hog, so sometimes I see a promo shop with good prices on another server, and then I can’t remember it to go back when I have money.
    cTJx and ChespinLover77 like this.
  4. Thank you for this. I’d love to see if it’s eventually added or not.
  5. TheDarkAngel7, Sazukemono and cTJx like this.
  6. Thank you for pointing that out. I did see the ticket while I was writing this. I still wanted to emphasize it because I think it’s a feature that would increase convenience for players.