[Auction] SC of Cave Spider Heads

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MaeseDerGrosse, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Items: SC of Cave Spider Heads
    Starting Bid: 1,000r
    Minimum Bid Increments: 100r
    Auction Ending Time: 48h after last valid bid
    Pickup: SMP9 /v 19239
    Remarks: 27 stacks of 64, totaling 1,728 Heads
    TomvanWijnen and Raaynn like this.
  2. Auction title and body edited for clarity. All bids hence invalidated. Let the bidding recommence!
  3. 27 stacks of heads... :eek: 1.1k
  4. 2500r

    Just FYI, the reason that the title was so confusing, was because another mod changed it from the current one to the confusing one at Maese's previous SC cave spider heads auction. :p This way is much better, though. :)
    MercenaryCrow likes this.
  5. Sorry Tom, but you took my original bid...heh.

  6. .... and we got a winner!

    Congrat to TomvanWijnen! The unlock-sign will be placed soon...
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. Yay! Payment sent! :)
  8. Items picked up, thanks a lot! :)