[Closed] [AUCTION] ICC Eggnog

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Jonniboiii, Feb 2, 2018.

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  1. 7,450,000
    I dont want to get there too early
    Tuqueque, Roslyn, 586 and 1 other person like this.
  2. 7,510,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  3. 7,520,000
    The way you make rupees by selling vouchers this would currently cost you about $525. That's a lot of real money for a vitual bucket of milk.
  4. That’s nice, 7,530,000

    I’d rather you not talk about other people’s money, didn’t your mama tell you that’s rude?
    Tuqueque, Theomglover, Roslyn and 2 others like this.
  5. 7,540,000
    Can't help it, that's just how my mind works. Sorry to offend you.
    607, Tuqueque, Roslyn and 6 others like this.
  6. It’s okay, no problem boss
    607, Tuqueque and Teodorn like this.
  7. 7,700,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  8. 7,710,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  9. 7,750,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  10. 7,760,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  11. 7,835,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  12. 7,845,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  13. 7,855,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  14. 7,900,000
    Teodorn, I sure wish you had made the bid increments 100,000.
    Tuqueque, Roslyn, Teodorn and 3 others like this.
  15. 7,910,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  16. Couldn´t agree more, TuckerAmbr xD
    Tuqueque, Roslyn, Laae and 1 other person like this.
  17. Clarification on this statement: 'Redeem this to Krysyy to redeem one of ANY previous Promo Items!'

    This only applies to Promo Items that were available BEFORE the Eggnog was released. It does NOT apply to any after that.

    Adding to OP.
    Tuqueque, Teodorn, 586 and 4 others like this.
  18. 7,920,000
    607, Tuqueque, Teodorn and 2 others like this.
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