Share Your Dreams!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JohnKid, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. Have you ever had a dream that's stuck with you, no matter how long it has been since you had it or woke up from it? Perhaps you had a dream recently that you can recall? Maybe you've had one that felt like a story, or perhaps you've had dreams that left you with the sense of déjà vu? If so, and you'd like to share, this thread is for you!

    A discussion between me and a couple of players came up recently about the things we've dreamed about and we discussed a few of the dreams we have had, how they were weird or interesting or even inspiring! From vague ideas of what they were to comedic moments in dreams to small stories... we shared and found that what we all dreamed about was rather interesting! And we figured, you know, why not make a thread about it? And so, here we are!

    To start it off, I'll share a bit, myself:

    I've had a lot of experiences with my dreams. I remember a lot of them for a good while after I've had them, so I get the chance to remember bits and pieces. I've had a few story-like, including one that I wrote down in a notepad and can still remember bits of was in a sort of country/empty land area. Family and friends were all celebrating in a sort of fair setting out there. It was a sort of protagonist/antagonist type story, involving the family against a cyborg-ish character named Vira (y'know, like Virus-- not terribly creative, I know :rolleyes: Blame the dream though, not me!), and eventually, rather than fighting her and seeing her as a bad character as we had begun to do in the story, we were able to figure out a way to get through to her or save her, in that stereotypical and cheesy type of hero way. The part I don't quite remember and didn't write in the dream notepad was how we did it, but we succeeded in doing that, and even welcomed her into the family and found our ways to help her have fun!

    Other experiences I've had have been where I'd had a dream the night before, and the next day I'd be in a certain area that it felt like I'd been in or seen in the dream the night before, and I'd have a really strong feeling of déjà vu. This has happened to me since I was a little kid, and still happens to me to this day. It's strange, but still pretty neat!

    So, I've shared a bit! How about you guys? Do you have any dreams that you remember and would like to share? I'm sure many of us would love to hear! Even if it's just a small piece that you remember, or you've got a whole story from one, and from weird to really cool dreams, all sort of discussion of them is welcome! Obviously, keep things family friendly and I'd love to hear what you guys have to share, but don't feel obligated to share if you don't want to, as it's just a thread for fun and discussion! :)
  2. Hi there! Clicked on the thread for dreams and John Egbert haha

    I actually have a lot I'd like to share!! I'm just posting this comment so that I can come back to it!
  3. Personally, my favorite dreams are dreams that I'm programming. They are especially enjoyable when I wake up and try doing what I did in my dream AND IT WORKS!!! =D
  4. Ok.... I have some weird ones...
    A reoccurring one is where I am a daisy on a floating plane. I play tug of war with other daisies. The adults are trees if female and the males are weird dark bush things. The bushed are super aggressive and the females are super peaceful. Oh, also we are on floating islands....

    Another one I have is where blue bunnies and pink bunnies, sent by lemon people want to kill me.... I use the help of the green bunny bartenders to stop them, only to have the work crushed by a rolling pin...
    Harp4Christ, JohnKid and MoreMoople like this.
  5. My best dreams are ones where I'm playing Minecraft and the MPO has grown a lot more than it actually already has.

    My worst dreams, however, are ones where it gets sweltering outside of summer and this guy (I actually know him IRL, and hate him for multiple things he's done to me and my friends - see and/or for basic info) tricks me into getting my attention (often magically), encounters me at the store, breaks into my house, etc. Then, he uses force to get me into a position where he can take advantage of me, force me to be in a relationship with him, etc.

    Both categories are very common, and roughly as common as one another.
  6. I dream that I can run forever, without getting tired. I enjoy those immensely.
    JohnKid, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  7. I once dreamed that I got banned on EMC (I remember a waste outpost), and tried relogging. It worked, but my avatar then got flung hundreds of blocks in the air, dying shortly after. Upon respawning, I was either kicked or re-killed. I think I woke up after.
  8. That'd be awful.
    JohnKid likes this.
  9. I've had multiple occasions where I'd dream that I can fly then wake up disappointed because I can't :p

    EDIT: Also I can't think of anything specific because I forget dreams really easily
    JohnKid, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  10. Bumping this in case others want to share, but I love hearing what some of you have shared already! And hey, no worries if you can't remember things extremely specific! It's nice to hear what people have to share and say regardless, and I'm happy there's been a little interest in this! :D
    We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  11. I once had a dream my street was filled with soccer balls....except the black spots were purple and they had mouths and tried to eat me
    Ethy202, Harp4Christ, We3_MPO and 2 others like this.
  12. I forgot to ever post here!
    Back when I was about... 3? 4? I used to have these recurring dreams that terrified me so much... I'd be doing some normal 4-year-old thing then suddenly would turn around and A GIANT SCARY PURPLE MOP WAS SITTING THERE! I'd jump and run and it'd chase me until I woke up.
    I used to hate mops. Like. I'd go hide under a blanket when mom would get out our mop and try to mop the floor. Fun times. :oops:
    Ethy202, Sydney_43, __Devil_ and 3 others like this.
  13. So many, where do i start.
    JohnKid, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  14. What is it with the color purple here? :eek:
    Also Harp, I painted my nails purple.... Does that make me a purple mop?
  15. Just last night actually, being the school-cantered angel child that I am ( :rolleyes: ) I dreamed that I had been handed back several papers, graded, and all of them were fails... I was terrified! (That did actually happen; but on a more interesting note; back when I was 8 or so I had a dream that I was playing in the school yard with my brother and his two friends. Might've been soccer, no idea, really :p. But then all the school buildings dissolved into spiders, which conglomerated into one large spider and ate me and my brother/his friends. And ever since I've been deathly scared of spiders....)
  16. I've had many dreams. All of them are entertaining or happy if you ask me, though a few would certainly seem awful. One such of those dreams involved me in a hillside area at night. I was walking around and seemed afraid of something, that something turned out to be this weird creature that was a large snake with horse legs. It bit me and and started dying from what I could discern, I woke up before anything else happened.
    MoreMoople, We3_MPO and JohnKid like this.
  17. I've been arachnophobic ever since I learned what brown recluses and black widows are (the two deadliest spiders in North America, and they both live in my area). But I probably always had arachnophobia at heart and just had it "triggered" when I learned about the deadliest spiders on my home continent.
    JohnKid likes this.
  18. I know right? In my home town brown recluses are actually not even rare, more like uncommon, which terrifies me... :O
    We3_MPO and JohnKid like this.
  19. One dream that was really strange is where I was at skeleton day and every staff member was celebrating me since I am a skeleton and Eviltoade was giving me the skeleton of the year award and after I received that award a big Marlix barged in and ate me and Eviltoade and a few other friends and then we ended up in the end where we saw a huge target with my icon with arrows in it and Marlix recorded a message in backwards and then a weird glow from the sky came and then... I woke up on the floor. :p
  20. I love adventure dreams so much! Those dreams that take you to some magical world for hours upon hours, amazing! Dreams where you are in some place familiar too you with some details changed, like a giant tree in the middle, with a huge mushroom wasteland right beside that tree. Under that tree is a cave, that opens up to a place where it doesn't even look like a cave, it's like you're on the other side of the world. You keep going forward and you find these massive trees, with various flowers around. You examine closer and oh, you can see this is similar to a videogame you enjoy! Oh... the dreams over.

    Those are the types of dreams I like, dreams that are explorable.