[FREE] Santa hats for your profile pic/signature!

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by ItsMeMatheus, Nov 30, 2017.


Do you even lift bro?

Why do you keep making these? 1 vote(s) 5.0%
What is this, 2012? 4 vote(s) 20.0%
Funny how all the options are questions, huh? 7 vote(s) 35.0%
Except this one... 8 vote(s) 40.0%
  1. i finally got myself a nice festivity avatar, could i also get a hat? its my avatar, heres the original pic:

    and thx again!!
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  2. Lukas3226 and AyanamiKun like this.
  3. You Sir are brilliant! Thank you Matheus. =D
    AyanamiKun and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  4. oooo pick me pick me pick me! either on my camera or on me somehow no idea do some magic!
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  5. Thanks for my picture! Also, what do you use to edit these images?
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  6. Managed to put it on your head, but the camera outline wasn't very clear, so it looked weird


    GIMP 2.0
    Lukas3226, 607, NickkG and 2 others like this.
  7. Can you add a hat on my shako?
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  8. Cheers Matheus :)
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  9. Thanks so much!
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  10. I'd appreciate a hat.
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  11. Nah, that hair is too good to cover up
  12. witches cant have christmas hats
    crystaldragon13 and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  13. Lukas3226, ItsMeWolffpack and 607 like this.
  14. ItsMeMatheus likes this.

  15. (i.imgur.com/XuwYvEo.png)
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  16. but they can have Solstice trees. ;)
  17. I found my distant bird cousin, I'll have one on my profile pic please :)
    607 and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  18. can I get a hat on my avatar
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.