[PUBG] EMC PUBG Thread - Post your stuff!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Roslyn, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Thread is simple. PUBG discussion/sharing dank wins/videos.
    Ill start off with a photo, first game of the day today too:

    Guns in this win:
    DoubleBarrel W/Choke/Bullet Loops - Got 2 kills with that this game
    Mini 14 w/Supressor/Red Dot Sight - 2 Other kills with it that game
    5th Kill - Ran over a guy with UAZ Vehicle.

    Armor was average - Level 2 Vest - Level 2 Helmet - Level 3 Backpack - few First aid kits - used up all painkillers/Energy Drinks.

    EDIT: This was Solo FPP
  2. Finally broke down and bought it today....
  3. Come join us sometime,Simon hollers really loudly its hilarious
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. Another win I got with just a shotgun the whole game - Minimal kills but hey, still won: SOLO FPP
    The_Boulder likes this.
  5. Good man
  6. Aww maybe later tonight... out and about atm
  7. *Disclaimer* I am very bad at PUBG. For some reason I spam click, I must get it from 1.8 pvp but that's just how I aim :p

    Edit: I missed one

    Tah2, Roslyn, K_Kick and 1 other person like this.
  8. This happened today....
  9. not buyin it! nope!
    you cant make meee
    Roslyn, Sachrock and 607 like this.
  10. Reminds me of the early Battlefield games, ~2005.
    Roslyn, The_Boulder and Sachrock like this.
  11. I have learned that Roslyn is a mad man while driving and Simon is also mad man while shooting. As for me I make excellent meat shield till I get better for them. Lol
    Roslyn and Sachrock like this.
  12. Don't bluff weapons or I blast you
    Sachrock likes this.
  13. PUBG, hmmm, what is that? Sounds interesting!

    Roslyn likes this.

  14. Finally got a Chicken Dinner with help from Simon in Duo last night. Don't know how we won cause most of time we were joking around and poking fun at cdjs. lol

    Also Holos are trash.. don't pick up that filth...
    B4DMAN5IMON, K_Kick, Roslyn and 2 others like this.
  15. YEEE Niceee mate! We gotta get the squad back together again :p
    The_Boulder and Eviltoade like this.
  16. Excuse the screaming, but I managed to do this today.
    Roslyn likes this.
  17. Pan is GOD
    Sachrock likes this.

  18. I think this is the update and its soooon!
    Sachrock likes this.
  20. Do you all play this on the computer or Xbox 1 ???