The Unofficial EMC Discord

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Carbonyx, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Actually now that I think of it, if most everyone goes to discord that might allow me more of the quality time with Krysyy and Aikar I've been yearning for. Goodbye everyone.:)

  2. I joined and I already enjoy the interaction of other players on there. Good work Carbonyx :)
    Carbonyx, Tbird1128 and FadedMartian like this.
  3. you forgot me!! r00d
  4. Gud server 👌
    Carbonyx likes this.
  5. I joined but I muted the server as I use discord for other stuff, and during class I had a pop-up every sec... for 7 hours... :p
    UltiPig and Carbonyx like this.
  6. Bump, up to 55 members
    Tbird1128 and Sachrock like this.
  7. Bump, just under 60 members
  8. I think this is a GREAT idea and will join when I can. I do like what Toade and Krysyy had to say. I'm still learning it, I will say that if I see issues come up, I'll just stick to our own group on Discord. I don't want to see problems and if I do I'm not even saying anything. By problems I mean something constant or repetitive. Here's what I mean.

    I am an adult not a kid so my only fear is younger ones getting on and realizing they can say or do whatever without consequence and make it worse over time. There's no controlling spamming or anything. That is my only fear. I guess being a single dad with 2 pre teens and gets annoyed by them makes me think that way. Again I'm ALL for this!! I think this could be something really SPECIAL!!

    That being said, as fore mentioned having an official chat that IS moderated keeps any and all problems at bay. ( I can't stand spamming ) and you will never get it on mumble. Honestly tho, I don't use mumble all that often, usually on big events and such.
    Carbonyx likes this.
  9. I do want EMC rules followed on the server, and there are dedicated channels for sailor talk and spamming :p
    SkeleTin007 and Merek_Shadower like this.
  10. Sounds great to me!!! Just no way of controlling it but I see how you're setting this up and I like even more now!!!
    Carbonyx likes this.
  11. Discord has fantastic moderation tools, if someone is bending the rules way too much I can kick or ban them from the server, with a reason why.

    EDIT- one of my bots on the server also has moderation tools; if need be, I can use it to control spam.
  12. Bump

    The server has quieted down and now resembles something organized
    Eviltoade likes this.
  13. "Died just a tad" is a more appropriate term here.
    Carbonyx likes this.
  14. Well when you put it that way it doesn't sound nice
  15. Dead means no one uses it, and people are not joining/connected.
    Quiet is no one is talking but its still active.
    Tbird1128 likes this.
  16. died, just a tad.
    Carbonyx likes this.
  17. Bump

    64 members
    Tbird1128 likes this.