Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Stnywitness, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. K so we have:

    3DC's of fresh melon

    A 2017 decleration of independence by Krysyy

    A blizz ard's nose

    A Chocolate Bunny

    & a Stnywitness Iron Hoe

    Starting bid 3K

    Minumum bid increment 1.5K

    Auction ending time 58 hours after last valid bid.

    Pickup at /v Stnywitness on smp2. When u arrive at res look left for auction pickup. Then click tp, and u will find the items. Thanks and happy bidding!

    P.S. Thanks Baradar67

    Broseph03 likes this.
  2. 20000r
    Broseph03 and Stnywitness like this.
  3. Bump!!
    Broseph03 likes this.
  4. Bump! Still worth WAY more! ;)
    Broseph03 likes this.
  5. I want the Iron Hoe but can't afford the bid right now. ):
    Stnywitness likes this.
  6. Sorry buddy. ): Maybe next time. ;)
  7. 22000
    Stnywitness likes this.
  8. 27.5k
    Stnywitness likes this.
  9. 30000r
    Stnywitness likes this.
  10. 31.5k
    Stnywitness likes this.
  11. Guess what..bummpppp
  12. 33k
    Stnywitness likes this.
  13. Bump still worth quite a bit more!